I know there hasn’t been much activity on this blog in the past eight years, but I plan to change that this year. To start, here’s my list of the books I read in 2022 with comments on each one:

Poet Priest – Vol. 1 by Andy Squyres

I absolutely loved this little book of articles and poetry. Andy Squyres has quickly become one of my favorite writers. If you are on Instagram, give him a follow. That’s where he originally posts his articles. In my opinion, he’s the best thing on the gram.

It’s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity by Michael Foster & Dominic Bnonn Tennant

There’s a lot of good content in this book. I definitely liked some parts much better than others. I’m glad I read it but this book was better to me in certain parts than as a whole.

The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions: The Forgotten Foundation by Don Dent

This is an excellent book on the extremely important, but often neglected topic of apostles. It’s a very thorough and very well done book written by a practitioner.

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortland

I didn’t get in to this one nearly as much as everyone who recommended it to me, but it was good.

Tender Warrior: Every Man’s Purpose, Every Woman’s Dream, Every Child’s Hope by Stu Webber

This was a good book overall on manhood. Chapter 13 was one of my favorite in the book. Webber had some good insights that were helpful.

Elders: Developing Elders & Revitalizing Teams by PJ Smyth

This is a very good book on eldership. I really liked it a lot and even tried to buy copies for all the elders of our church. Unfortunately, the author has some controversy swirling around him that caused the book to no longer be available. I know very little about him or what happened, but the content of the book was very helpful.

Bonus book from 2021…

I actually only read one book the year before so I didn’t do a post that year. Here’s the book I read:

Chosen Suffering: Becoming Elite In Life And Leadership by Tom Ryan

This was a good book written by the Ohio State wrestling head coach. The mindset of a championship coach is awesome. I really liked the concept of “chosen suffering”.

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