I read a piece today in the Daily Beast about the new Sundance documentary, After Tiller, named after Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortion provider who was shot and killed in 2009.  The documentary follows the only remaining four doctors in America who still perform third-trimester, late-term abortions.

The piece starts off with a quote from Dr. LeRoy Carhart, a protégé of Dr. George Tiller:

“We’re 40 years after Roe v. Wade, and the women in America are in worse shape than they were 40 years ago. Their rights are being trampled in the street.”

Later he says:

“If all abortions become completely illegal in the United States, then women can’t compete in the marketplace so corporate America becomes all-male”

The doctor’s comments about women “competing” with men sparked a few thoughts.

If a woman believes that men and women have not only equal value, but equal roles, she will inevitably feel the need to compete.  In order to compete effectively in a majority male marketplace, she will be led to believe that she has to be more masculine.  Because in this setting, pregnancy and child rearing are seen as inconvenient obstacles on the way up the corporate ladder, therein creating a heightened demand for abortion.

On the contrary, when a woman believes that roles are complimentary rather than competing, that women have things to offer that men don’t, and that men have things to offer that women don’t, she’s then free to be fully feminine without the pressure of being masculine as well.  She celebrates the way God made a woman’s body different from a man, in order to create and nurture children, and the unique strengths those differences add to both the marketplace and the home.

Failure to embrace a woman’s uniquely distinct role in child rearing, by obvious nature of her God given, uniquely distinct, child nurturing body parts (womb, breasts, milk ducts, hormones, etc), lends itself to a world where children are less valued, and abortion is more prevalent.

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