
Hi, I’m Josh. I’m a church planter, family man, and entrepreneur with a passion for helping people do their life well.

I’m 45 years old and I live just outside Kansas City, Missouri. I’m married to Gina and we have eight kids and two grandkids – Adia (married to Sam) and their children Leon & Keilah, Ezra (married to Cody), Judah, India, Elijah, Zeah, Mika, and Austin.

We’re currently in our 13th year of our second church plant called Bellicose Church.

The primary purpose of this blog is to help people to “reign in life” Rom 5:17. Using a mix of written word, video, and audio, I focus on the topics of Manhood, FamilyChurch, Life, and The Gospel.

I hate wasting my time with mediocre content as much as you do, so I do my best to publish content that’s worth your time.

To get a feel for the kind of posts I publish, you can check out the most popular and trending, the complete list of every post, or some samples in each main category below:





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Here is my Permissions Policy and my Comments Policy.

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