The following video from Shimi Cohen is called “The Innovation of Loneliness”. It’s pretty insightful and very well done. It explores the connection between social networks and being lonely. It’s four and a half minutes long….
Posts Published by Josh Christophersen
Are You Helping Or Partnering With Your Church?
I want to use the following illustration to distinguish the difference between helping and partnership. Just about everyone can relate to moving from one house or apartment to another. When a person moves they try…
Procrastination Is Manhood Avoidance
The World English Dictionary defines the word “procrastinate” in the following way: pro·cras·ti·nate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-] verb to put off or defer (an action) until a later time; delay In Job 38:3, God tells Job to “dress for action like a man”, in 1 Cor 16:13 Paul says to…
Why A Lot Of Christian Accountability Is Lame And What To Do About It
Is it just me or is a lot of what’s done in the name of Christian accountability super lame? This is a typical Christian accountability conversation: “How are you doing?” “I’m struggling with XYZ.” “Me…
7 Pitfalls Of Male Independence
God has called men to be strong. (1 Kings 2:2) Problems arise when a man trusts in his own strength. (Jer 17:5-8) When a man forgets that his strength comes from God and is in…
What’s So Bad About Sex Outside Of Marriage?
A study done two years ago by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy found that 88% percent of unmarried young adults (ages 18-29) are having sex. Some look at that stat and are…
Fighting For A Woman’s Beauty
A woman is most beautiful when she is unafraid. A woman makes herself beautiful by not fearing anything that is frightening (1 Pet 3:5-6). Men are one of the primary causes of fear in women, whether…
Your Sin Is Wicked, Vile, Dirty, And Gross, But You Don’t Think So
How do you view your sin? How you view your sin is one of the most important views you can have. The greater the sin, the greater the savior that saves you from your sin,…
Fighting For Your Respect Or For Her To Be And Feel Loved
God wired men with a desire for respect. From his youth, he desires it from his parents. When he’s older he also desires it from a woman. (Eph 5:33, 1 Pet 3:1-2) You are more than…
A Simple Travel Packing List So You Won’t Forget Anything
This is a packing list I’ve been using and tweaking for about twenty years. I love it because when I use it I don’t forget anything and it takes away the need to rack my…