I’m Starting A Blog

I’m finally doing it.  I’m starting a blog.  I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.

Back in 1998, in the old days of the internets, I used to send emails that I called “snipitats”.  Snipitats were random reflections on quotes, lyrics, or scriptures.  It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the clarity of thought that writing them produced and the feedback I got from those who read them.

A lot has changed in the last 14 years since then and I have a lot I’d like to write and speak about.  I plan on using three different mediums to do it:  written word, video, and audio.

I will be blogging on topics like gender roles, the church, the gospel, the kingdom of God, marriage, family, parenting, dating, money, business, divine order, music, current events, the internet, and more.  The goal of this blog is to help people to “reign in life“.

I plan on posting regularly, with a minimum of two posts per week.  And my goal is to have some posts that happen on a weekly basis.  For example, every Friday, I’ll be posting the links I found interesting during that particular week.  Among those links I’ll feature some more prominently, like a song or video of the week.  I’m also hoping to do weekly posts on manhood.

I will link to audio messages where appropriate.  Any audio messages I preach at Bellicose Church or anywhere else will be added to my sermon audio podcast.  I won’t blog every message I preach, but each message will be added to the podcast.

I hate wasting my time with mediocre content as much as you do, so I will do my best to post content that’s worth your time.

If you want to get free email updates every time I post something new, enter your email address below. I promise I won’t share your email with anyone else.

I’d love to get your feedback on the things I post, so post your comments.


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