Importance “The tongue has the power of life and death. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the…
Posts tagged Life
Inspiring Adoption Story [VIDEO]
This is an amazing and inspiring video of how the Dennehy’s gave the gift of ‘family’ to nine children from around the world. Some of the children have no arms. This family is incarnating the…
How To Make Moving Suck Less
I’ve moved many people over the years. Some of those moves went great. Some were a nightmare. I remember being on a missions trip in Charlotte, NC where a group of us volunteered to move…
How A Woman Makes Herself Beautiful
In the old testament of the bible, Abraham’s wife Sarah was so beautiful in her old age, that even a king wanted to take her as his wife. How did she do it? How does…
10 Tips For Effective Goal Setting
Here are ten tips for effective goal setting. 1. Success motivates, failure demotivates. Start yourself off with some goals with a high probability for success. A lot of people set themselves up for failure by…
Abortion And Gender Roles
I read a piece today in the Daily Beast about the new Sundance documentary, After Tiller, named after Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortion provider who was shot and killed in 2009. The documentary follows…
Are You A Good Friend Or A Bad Friend?
I believe that one of the best ways to find a good friend, is to be one yourself. Here’s some thoughts to help determine if you are a good friend or a bad friend. Lending…
How Getting Hit By A Semi Gave Me Eternal Perspective
This last week my family and I were hit by a semi while traveling to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. We were completely stopped, waiting for a break in oncoming traffic, so…
How Not To Be Afraid Of The Scariest Verses In The Bible
In my opinion, Matthew 7 verses 21 thru 24 are the scariest verses in the bible. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does…
2012 Book List
2012 wasn’t my best year for reading. I only finished 10 books. I did read some good ones though. I read: Here’s the complete list: I usually like to read at least 24 books a…