I had the privilege of attending the Advance13 conference in Raleigh, NC last month. I really enjoyed the conference. One of my favorite sessions was on manhood by John Bryson.

Here’s some points, quotes, and the full video message below.

He starts with the current state of manhood:

  1. Men are confused.
  2. Men are disappointed with life.
  3. Men are in pain.
  4. Men are lonely.
  5. Men are drifting.
  6. Men are escaping.
  7. Men are causing major problems.
  8. Men are settling for less.

Then he talks about history and it’s affect on manhood:

  1. Racism
  2. Industrial Revolution
  3. War Years (WWI, WWII, Korean War)
  4. Feminism
  5. Extended Adolescence

Then he talks about manhood from Genesis chapters one thru three hitting on being childish consumers or cowards and critics.

Lastly he talks about authentic manhood and how a man:

  1. Rejects Passivity
  2. Accepts Responsibility
  3. Leads Courageously
  4. Invests Eternally

He closed with this.

Here’s a quote:

“You wanna be the weirdo? Be the 23 year old with a decided theology, and a husband with a baby on the way, and a job, and a career path that he’s working in.”

Here’s the video:

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