So I started a blog.  Here’s why:

  1. Platform For My Voice
    I believe God has called me to be a voice. A blog gives me a public platform to use written word, audio, and video to be that voice.
  2. Book Writing
    One of my life goals is to write books. This blog is my practice field and the place where content gets tested and tried.
  3. Thought Clarity
    I preach often and writing helps bring greater clarity to my thoughts.  A blog disciplines me to write often.
  4. Dialogue and Feedback
    Ideas grow and get refined when they are tested with other people.  A blog is a place to start conversations.
  5. Meet and Connect
    I love meeting and connecting with new people.  A blog brings people together around shared interests.
  6. Help People
    I’ve been challenged and transformed by great content all throughout my life.  I like to help people in the same way, by providing challenging content that transforms lives.  A blog provides a means to do that.
  7. It Makes Me Come Alive
    Providing challenging, transformational content makes me come alive. If it makes me come alive, it will give God the most glory and do people the most good.

(Image Credit: “stockimages” |

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  1. Shane December 4, 2012 at 12:08 PM

    Looking forward to hearing what you have to say and share!

  2. Josh Christophersen December 4, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    Thanks Shane. I’m looking forward to diving in here as well.

  3. ralizen December 4, 2012 at 4:07 PM

    I’m excited too! Whoo hoo!

  4. bpurtle7 December 4, 2012 at 10:45 PM

    Looking forward to these posts, Josh. I know they’ll be rich and needed words…

  5. Sara December 5, 2012 at 9:06 AM

    Super. I was just remembering “snipitats” the other day and thinking that was something you were great at. I pray that is even further confirmation that this is a blessed venture.