The following video is entitled “The Economics of Sex” and is about a study done by The Austin Institute.

The video talks about what’s driving the demand for sex and what power men and women have at their disposal to get what they want.

The study deduces that since the “cost” of sex (what men want) has plummeted due to the pill’s consequent separation of sex from marriage and children, that now the “cost” of marriage (what women want) has gone up.

The video concludes that “men are in the driver’s seat in the marriage market”, calling it a “profound irony” because “by nearly every measure, young men are failing to adapt to contemporary life. When attractive women will still go to bed with you, life for young men—even those who are floundering—just ain’t so bad.”

The video mistakenly puts the solution to this conundrum on the women:

“In reality, men tend to behave as well or as poorly as the women in their lives permit.”

Although this may be reality; it certainly doesn’t have to be. What they are saying in essence, is that in reality men follow a woman’s lead.

And many men do.

But it’s not a woman’s job to lead a man.

That’s a man’s job.

The video continues, saying that “if women were squarely in charge of how their relationships transpired and demanded a ‘higher market price’ for the exchange of sex, so to speak, we’d be seeing, on average, more impressive wooing efforts, greater male investment, longer relationships, fewer premarital partners, shorter cohabitations, and more marrying going on.

But what about the men?

What if they started acting like men?

What if men stopped settling for less than the best sex, stopped treating women like mere sexual objects, and instead started treating them like queens?

What if men were more concerned with God’s desires than their own sinful desires?

The best way to see more impressive wooing efforts, greater male investment, longer relationships, fewer premarital partners, shorter cohabitations, and more marrying going on is for men to start lifting the heavy burden of leadership off of women and start putting it where it belongs: on themselves.

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